Nationally known, award-winning author/military historian Wilbur Jones leads World War II battlefield tours to Europe, the Mediterranean, and Pacific for Valor Tours, Ltd.

Southeastern North Carolina tours in and around Wilmington, America;s World War II City
Jones leads tours of Southeastern N. C. WWII sites including the North Carolina Shipbuilding Company; Camp Davis; the Hannah Block Historic USO building; German prisoner of war camps; historic downtown, post office, and stores; New Hanover High School memorial to its two WWII Medal of Honor recipients; wartime housing projects and neighborhoods; Battleship North Carolina; Carolina and Wrightsville Beaches; Fort Fisher army base, etc.
International experience
– Visited WWII sites in Amsterdam and western Netherlands; Germany; and Alsace, Burgundy, and Lyon, France – April 2014.
– France. Tour leader for private group tour of Normandy/D-Day, France, September 2013
– – Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Tour for the 70th anniversary of the Japanese attack that launched the United States into World War II. Historian. Dec. 1-9, 2011.
– Battle of the Bulge to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest. Tour leader to WWII and cultural sites in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany. Paris to Munich. June 2011.
– D-Day 67th Anniversary tour to Normandy, France. Tour leader to WWII and cultural sites, and Paris. June 2011.
– Operation Dragoon: Riviera to the Rhine. Tour Leader to WWII and cultural sites in France and Germany. Invasion of Southern France, up the Rhone Valley, Vosges Mountains, and Alsace. Nice to Frankfurt. September 2010.
– Crossing the Rhine: Market Garden to Remagen Bridge. Tour leader to WWII and cultural sites for 1944-45 Rhineland Campaign and 66th anniversary of airborne Operation Market Garden. Frankfurt to Amsterdam: Germany, Belgium, Netherlands. September 2010.
– D-Day 66th Anniversary tour to Normandy, France. Tour leader to WWII and cultural sites, and Paris. June 2010.
– Battle of the Bulge to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest. Tour leader to WWII and cultural sites in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany. Paris to Munich. June 2010
– Tarawa and Makin. Tour leader to WWII sites in Republic of Kiribati (formerly Gilbert Islands) for 66th anniversary, via Fiji. Central Pacific, November 2009.
– Operation Dragoon: Riviera to the Rhine. Tour Leader to WWII and cultural sites in France and Germany. Sixty-sixth anniversary of invasion of Southern France: up the Rhone Valley, Vosges Mountains, and Alsace. Nice to Frankfurt. August 2009.

– Tarawa and Makin. Tour leader to WWII sites in Republic of Kiribati (formerly Gilbert Islands) for 65th anniversary, via Fiji. Central Pacific, November 2008.
– Battle of the Bulge to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest. Tour leader to WWII sites in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany – Paris to Munich. June 2008.
– The Italian Campaign on board the cruise ship Clipper Adventurer to Malta, Sicily, and Italy. Historian and shore group leader. June 2007.
– Normandy, 60th Anniversary commemoration of D-Day invasion. Tour leader. June 2004. Remained in Normandy for 10 days on assignment from Wilmington Star-News covering Anniversary events. Filed four pieces from France. – London and surrounding area. Tour leader to WWII sites. June 2004.
– On board Queen Mary 2, eastbound maiden voyage from New York to Southampton. Historian/lecturer. May-June 2004.
– Peleliu, Palaus. Tour leader for visit to Koror and Peleliu. 1999.
– Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Assistant tour leader, 1998.
– Iwo Jima (50th Anniversary), Saipan, and Tinian. Passenger, 1995.